The school uniform at Whitefield is as follows:
Girls’ School Uniform |
Winter Uniform
Summer Uniform – Summer Term only |
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers |
Royal blue and white gingham dress |
White polo shirt |
School jumper / cardigan or plain navy jumper / cardigan
School jumper / cardigan or plain navy jumper / cardigan |
Black shoes, white/grey socks or tights Plain black ankle boots – no tassles or lights |
Black shoes, white socks
Boys’ School Uniform |
Winter Uniform
Summer Uniform – Summer Term only |
Grey trousers or shorts |
Grey trousers or shorts |
White polo shirt |
White polo shirt |
School jumper or plain navy jumper
School jumper or plain navy jumper |
Black shoes, grey socks |
Black shoes, grey socks |
PE Uniform |
Outdoor Uniform
Indoor Uniform |
House colour t-shirt |
House colour t-shirt |
House colour hoodie - optional |
Black or navy shorts |
Dark tracksuit bottoms |
Black plimsolls |
Trainers |
You do not need to purchase sweatshirts/ cardigans or polo shirts with the school logo – these can be purchased from local supermarkets and clothing stores. Lynsey at Sew Stunning Designs can embroider our logo on to a plain jumper or cardigan for a small fee.
School Uniform in action!
PE and sports kit:
Each child is allocated a house team on arrival at our school and their PE kit represents this team.
Hodder (blue), Ribble (red), Wyre (green), Douglas (yellow).
Our PE kit comprises of:
- Shorts for indoor PE – black or grey
- Tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE – black or grey if possible
- A house coloured t-shirt
- A house coloured hoodie – optional (any hoodie is acceptable for outdoor PE)
- Black pumps for indoor PE
- Trainers for outdoor PE
Our uniform supplies provide the Whtiefield sports hoodies and the Whtiefield PE tops.
Each year group will have PE on one day during the week. PE days for individual year groups are sent out to parents via the app and via the termly year group newsletter along with the PE and sport focus for the term.
Children attend school on PE days wearing their PE kits.
PE and Sport Uniform
OPAL kit:
Our OPAL play kit comprises of:
- Wellington boots – that can be left in school on the year group welly stores. Please let us know if you need a specific sixe of welly, as school does have a number of pairs in stock.
- Waterproof trousers or joggers – optional
- Full body waterproofs – optional
On wet days, the children will still play outside. We recommend they have spare clothing eg tights, socks to change in to should they get wet or muddy.
Our school uniform policy: